Our Mission
Our mission is to support the education of present and future generations by offering classes to students and educational resources and training workshops to their parents.
Our Vision
Student Centered
We offer a mix of foundational subjects like Reading, Writing, Math, and Science alongside more creative outlets like Art, Robotics, and Culinary Arts. We are providing students a dynamic and enriching learning environment with a well-rounded education that caters to various interests and learning styles. Extracurricular activities are also crucial for fostering creativity, teamwork, and personal growth.
Parent Support & Training
At TruLearn we recognize that without parent engagement and support, the education of the youth will be limited and substandard. That is why we are reaching out to parents to give them the support and training they need to teach their children with confidence and excellence. So far we have provided reading and writing workshops to parents, with the goal of offering more variety in the near future. We also are making tutorial videos of core subjects that walk parents through each step in teaching their child to read, write, spell, and more. We don't just tell them, we show them, and explain as we go. Whether they homeschool their children or send them to public school, parent involvement in education is key to a child's success.
Struggling Students
Too many young people in the education system are falling behind their peers because they struggle in the areas of reading, writing, and math. They may have learning disabilities, struggle with ADD or ADHD, or have difficulty understanding the concepts being taught. Memorization is another challenge for many students. Traumatic brain injury affects a small minority of students, but it has devastating consequences in a child's ability to function, learn, and thrive. At TruLearn, we want to offer help and hope to these children so they can reach their full potential without experiencing years of frustration and failure.
Our goal is to reach these struggling students where they are and help them overcome what they thought was impossible. We will do this by offering HANDLE© screenings and full assessments for students who struggle, and working with them over a period of time to help them overcome learning challenges. HANDLE combines an understanding of neuroplasticity and the interplay among mind, body and environment to help the brain gently change itself. It’s designed to enhance neurological systems that are causing learning or life difficulties, without force or judgment. HANDLE gets to the root of what some might consider problematic behaviors by listening and observing, not pushing or judging. It can assist children and adults labeled with learning disabilities and other mental illnesses mentioned above.
Resource Center
At TruLearn, we recognize that quality curriculum and books are needed for continued success in education, which is why we are opening a resource center for families in need. Our center is filled with books and the quality curriculum to direct and support Alaskan students' education. We also offer to train our families on how to use the curriculum so their children can succeed in reading, writing, math, science, and more. We are currently opening one in Delta Junction, with a goal to open one in Fairbanks and Wasilla.
Our Values
TruLearn's core values are forged by our dedication to the highest ethical standards and drive our priorities, commitments and organizational decisions. Our reputation is the cornerstone on which we operate, and these core values guide our interaction with families, our direction, and how we accomplish our mission:
We assure and maintain transparency in our relationships with each other and with our families.
Commitment to excellence
We lead through hard work, offering the highest quality educational resources, and maximizing the use of technology to its fullest extent to reach our students and families.
We empower our students and parents with the knowledge and skills to ensure success and independence in their endeavors.
Our History
TruLearn was birthed out of a desire to improve the education of the youth in a time when public school testing scores have dropped to an all-time low, dropout rates are at an all-time high, and parents are increasingly concerned for their children's safety and quality of education. Instead of placing blame for the failures in education, we decided to find a solution by offering classes to students, while enabling parents to become more actively involved in their children's education.
Having worked with homeschool moms for the last 18 years as a tutor, advisor, and friend, we knew firsthand the insecurities and inadequacies that many parents feel in starting out on the journey to educate their children at home. The internet is full of how-to books, but most parents do not have the time to sit and read stacks of books, let alone wrap their minds about what is being said without seeing it in action. We decided to make short videos for parents that would explain the core subjects step by step with explanations and modeling so parents can hear what to do, see it in action, and understand the reasoning behind each method.
In addition to this, we wanted to give parents extra support by offering workshops via Zoom or another online format so they can participate in live discussions and have the chance to ask questions that concern them the most. We have reached out to homeschool programs across the state of Alaska and hope to hear back from them concerning this opportunity for homeschool families in our home state.